Tuesday, November 12 @9:00 PM Toronto’s Ben Frost Quartet and the Valérie Lacombe Trio join forces to present a night of music at Resonance Café.
Toronto-based trumpeter and composer, Ben Frost, leads a cordless quartet—with Mili Hong (Drums) Eli Davidovici (Bass) and Harrison Argatoff (Tenor Saxophone)—playing an adventurous new collection of original music. This group of dynamic improvisors will explore Ben’s compositions influenced by Wayne Shorter and Kenny Wheeler, amongst others.
Drummer extraordinaire Valérie LaCombe (drums) leads a trio joined by Jihye Im (piano) and Étienne Beausoleil (bass).
Suggested $8 cover
Hope to see you there!
(art by Clarice Hana Clove)
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Earlier Event: November 9
BLOAR [nyc] ¬ Chiffres ¬ Full Astro ¬ Dominic Jasmin
Later Event: November 14
Mendham ¬ Crib Death of Millielli Vanilla ¬ Sorbara/Meger/Crosby